


Covid Questions – Testing, Restrictions, and more

Ever changing Covid-19 policies and regulations impact how we travel. Get the latest on traveling to Costa Rica.

Covid Questions – Testing, Restrictions, and more

Let’s talk Covid-19.  Two years later, we are still figuring out how to deal with Covid-19 and it’s ever changing regulations.

We are happy to see that Covid-19 insurance is no longer mandatory for everyone entering Costa Rica and that the average price of a Covid-19 test has reduced by half.  

We are aware that new policies are being contested in court and we don’t know what the world and the restrictions will look like six months out.  However, we have learned how to be flexible and how to best help our clients navigate all these restrictions.  That being said, here are some of our most frequently asked questions.

Do I need a Covid-19 test to enter Costa Rica?
No.  You do not need to test to enter Costa Rica.  You will need proof of vaccination or proof of insurance.  You will need to upload this information to your government sanctioned Health Pass which needs to be filled out 72 hours before arriving in Costa Rica. However the CDC suggests that all international travelers take a test before leaving the USA. 

Do I need Covid-19 Insurance?
At this point, only unvaccinated travels are required to purchase Covid-19 insurance, but we do recommend travelers insurance to anyone traveling internationally. Interested in purchasing travelers insurance – we can help! 

 What requirements do I need to enter the country? 
All individuals must show their passport, their return flight information, and the Health Pass to enter through Customs. Lack of filling out your Health Pass may deny your ability to board your plane.  
If you are fully vaccinated you will need proof of vaccination which will be incorporated on your Health Pass. 
If you are unvaccinated, you will need travelers insurance that covers $2000 in lodging expenses and $50,000 in medical costs.  You will need to show proof on insurance on your Health Pass. 

What restrictions will I see and need to adhere to once in Costa Rica?
At present, you will need to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer to enter any public facility.  Certain facilities will take your temperature as well.  

Masks are still being used in public spaces such as tours, public transportation, and even walking down streets in certain towns.

There are potential new restrictions being contested in court that you will need to scan your Health Pass QR code to enter public facilities.  There is discussion that viable QR codes will only be given to individuals who are vaccinated.  It is always best to stay up to date with the restrictions at www.visitcostarica.com

I need a Covid-19 test to reenter the USA – can you help me with this?
Yes we can! With the new restrictions, you will need to take a test within 24 hours of traveling back to the USA.  That being said, you have a few options.

Self Tests – Some individuals prefer to pack an internationally sanctioned nasal swab test that you can purchase online through companies like Abbott.  These tests run around $35 and can easily pack into your luggage. These tests require an app for your phone, an account that you create before traveling, and wifi to log onto to take the test.  You will have access to wifi at most hotels in Costa Rica making this test a viable option.  Scan the QR code on the packaging and you’ll soon have a proctor who will watch you swab your nose, apply the solution, and wait for fifteen minutes before reviewing the results with you.

Airport Covid Testing – We have found that the airport testing facility is the easiest non-self administered test to guarantee quick results before your return flight.  The airport Covid testing facility suggests that you schedule your appointment for 4 hours before your flight.  If you have an early morning flight, it may be wise to schedule your test for the night before.  There is a bus that runs every 5 minutes from the airport to the testing facility.  At $65 dollars this test is conveniently located and fairly priced.

Clinic Testing – Most towns in Costa Rica have a medical clinic where you can schedule a Covid-19 test.  If you need an antibody test instead of an antigen test, a clinic is where you will find that option.  We can help you schedule an appointment time at a clinic before you even leave for Costa Rica, in fact that is recommended.  You will need to provide your passport number and know specific details about where you are taking the test which we are happy to help you with.  These tests can range from $65 to $200 depending on what facility and the test.  
If you are traveling with a large group of people, we can often arrange for your Covid-19 test to be taken at your hotel.  

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